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Thursday 3 September 2015

Who's Traveling . . . and who's not . . .

Our adoption of the boys is moving along nicely!

It is already time to be thinking about China travel.
we've been talking about this for quite awhile.

It seems that this time around we need to do things differently.

With 11 children at home and 3 only home since February 1st we are...
 maybe I should stay home with all the kids.

Sometimes I think that is a really good idea.
I would be able to keep things running smoothly at home.
The children would not be sad or confused.
We might be able to avoid meltdowns and feelings of being re abandoned.
I will not be jet lagged when the new boys arrive.
I can continue with school so we don't get behind.
We will save a ton of money cause we will not need a sitter 24/7 for 3 weeks.

And then other times I think-
I will be missing out on such an important bonding time.
We won't have all the photos and the memories (because I am the only one that takes the pics).
The boys may wonder why their new Mom isn't there?
Will it effect my bonding with them?
Or their bonding with me?
I love the experience as a whole and I will be missing out...

Then I think...
It is a long long hard hard challenging journey. 
I can stay home and have my sweet boys
delivered to me.
I can have my own gotcha day right here!
Once they get home I will feel good to go- medical appts, etc.
After being gone for so long I find I need to do some re bonding with a few of our challenging kiddos. 
If I stay home I can avoid the need to re bond- cause I will stay in sync with the challenging kiddos.
I will only have to bond with the new boys.
Less risk of food poisoning here at home!
We will avoid "whatever mishaps" may occur when the watch dog, I mean the Momma is away...

I have been on 6 adoption trips and hubby has been on 5.
For quite awhile Sarah would say
Why wasn't Dad in China when you met me?
However, she seems to be over it now.

One day I am at peace with staying home and the next day I don't want to miss out.

Most likely I will not have a choice and I will be home.

The plan is for Hubby and our older son Mark to go to China and get our two boys.
(Although we are getting Visas for Hubby, Mark, Me and Sarah- just in case)

At this point, Sarah stays home with me. 
She is a wonderful translator BUT I think the boys will do just fine without her.
Plus she is at an age where she may not want to play as much as she did when she was younger.
(She also can be a titch bossy to her Daddy when it is just the two of them. I do not know where she got that from and do not say "from me". Even if it's true, do not say it! Sometimes that quality can be okay BUT not for 2.5-3 weeks in China ;-)

I am interested in your thoughts?

Have you ever had just one parent go? How did it work out?