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Friday 4 September 2015

How Do You Think?

How do you think?

Do you think in possibilities?

Do you think how things can work instead of thinking how they can't work.

Do you trust God with the impossibilities and move forward positively.

Do the challenges bog you down and you walk away from the dream... from the job in front of you... or from God's request of you?

Try something different, try to hear him, what's he telling you? What is he whispering in your ear?

Are you trusting him with the outcome?

He knows you, he knows what's best for you. He know what he wants from you... he knows where you should be.

Are you where you want to be or where he wants you?

Serve him in a way that may make you a little uncomfortable, stretch yourself, make yourself rely on him.

Do things not because you want to but because he is asking you to do it.

He is calling out to you... you are his hands and his feet!

I am not saying this to just you, I am saying this to me, too. It does not hurt any of us to think about what we are doing and why we are doing it- To examine our motivations.

I mentioned to my kids about serving the Lord and they said to me- Mom your doing it because you want too.
I was surprised at that response... yet it made me think.
He is right I am doing it because I want too. BUT I also think it is what God wants me to do.

I want to live a nice peaceful life raising our children. I want to put on blinders to the worlds troubles. BUT... that is impossible because once you know the orphans and once you love the orphans you can't just close the door and move on to your nice life.

I can't quit- there is more to do. So much more to do, so many more orphans that need help.

Thanks for being part of my contemplating.

I am listening Lord!

I Samuel 3:10
Speak Lord, for you servant is listening.