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Saturday 5 September 2015

The case of the missing crocs?

Even with this mystery looming over our heads we still had a great time!

She doesn't seem too worried about her lost crocs!

Loving the last days of summer!
Where on earth did they go?

Here is a recap- Mom says to the girls "get your shoes on and walk out to the car, we are going to play group.

Girls put on crocs and walk out to car. Mom heads out to car and puts Anna in the carseat. Mom does not remember seeing crocs on Anna's feet ( mom has taken Anna places before and forgot her shoes). Sarah remember seeing crocs on Anna's feet but Anna is inconsistent in her recollection (hmmm - very suspicious behavior).

Sarah says she remembers Anna taking off her shoes and playing with them in the car while driving to playgroup. Anna often does this- could this be a current or past memory of Sarah's??

We arrive at playgroup, Anna gets out of the car... no shoes... mom checks the car... they are nowhere to be found. We then have fun at playgroup and assume the crocs in question are at home and we are just remembering wrong.

Leave playgroup, check car again - hmmm nothing. Get home check usual spots - no crocs?

Again the possible perpetrator has a sketchy memory and may be giving us false information. She keep saying in this cute little baby voice "I dunno?"

If anyone sees the missing HOT PINK crocs please notify me so we can close this case!

BTW I have had my best investigator on this case and she has come up empty handed. There is even a reward of a pack of gum - still nothing...