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Saturday 5 September 2015

Decided and Happy With Our Decision!!!!

Awhile ago I posted on my homeschool dilemma.

After much prayer and discernment we have made a decision to continue homeschooling.

We just needed a little break and some time to just be a family. 
It was challenging bringing home 3 kiddos and attempting to continue schooling the children already home while integrating the 3 newbies with strong personalities that didn't speak English!

 (We usually do school in the school room but the beauty of homeschooling is- it can be done anywhere! Even in the porch on a sunny school day!)

After some time of bonding, learning English and learning the rules around here this crew is now ready for school! 

We got started in early August and it's been going GREAT. 
It is challenging doing so many different grades and some of our kiddos need to be supervised all the time in order to focus and learn. 

We really wanted to continue homeschooling our children but felt discouraged last spring. 
I was running around trying to meet everyone's needs and felt very unorganized.
When older adoptees come home, it takes some detective work on the parents part to figure out 
what route to go in and 
what level they are at...

With new adoptees, 
you start at the beginning.  
each child is different.
with some,
 you can zoom through the beginning information until you get to a level where they are comfortably learning and challenged. 
At the same time,
  other children(older adoptees) you will need to go 
slow, slow, slow 
repeat, repeat, repeat!

We felt that God had a plan and that he would reveal it in time.
We prayed and prayed over it and trusted HIM!
With time he slowly revealed it and we cautiously gave it a try. 

His plan was to provide us with a helper. Someone who wanted to do this and would work well with me!  
It is going amazingly well and the children are learning! 
It is quite exciting to see them learning and loving it! Even our challenging kiddos are doing great!

We have an exciting year planned out!
Sarah is doing 4th grade Abeka
Ava, Anna and Sam are doing 2nd grade Abeka
Ellie is doing a modified 2nd grade Abeka
Melissa and Mia are doing a modified 2nd grade Abeka, HOP-K and K thru 1st Abeka Language Arts.

Abby, Madeline and Luke are doing K Abeka!
We are thrilled to see Abby progress!
Luke is a shining star! He is only 4.5 yrs old and always knows the answer!
Even Madeline is getting it and improving each day.
Madeline has vision issues and I am guessing also has learning issues as does Abby.

(Abby is proud of her school work. In this pic she is showing us her creation book!)

I still have one area I want to improve upon.
Sarah needs a bit more of our time. She is doing well and is quite independent but needs help with comprehension, reading and history. I also think she would learn even better it I am more involved and can talk about the subject with her, So, I am currently praying about this and again... I know God has a plan and he will provide the answer in his perfect timing!

We are already on lesson 26! I like to start early because we always have times when we need to do other things and school sometimes doesn't happen.
Soon we will share what non school adventures we have planned for this month!

We went back and forth regarding sending Emma or keeping her home. 

I would love it if ALL the children were home.
She was doing well with the K class with Abby, Luke and Madeline so I thought we would keep her home but once again God stepped in and showed us HIS way.

Emma was off to school on Tuesday and is loving it!

School is her special activity and she is very proud of it!

Of course, it does help that she is the only one in our family that "gets to ride the little yellow school bus"!

She is with other students that have common needs and abilities.
We had been seeing her frustrated, moody and out of sync.
She seems very happy and content now, which makes this Momma's heart happy!

We are not opposed to bringing her back home if the need should arise.

Praising HIM for a great start and a blessed school year!