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Wednesday 2 September 2015


Lot's of acronyms at our house nowadays!

This one is not adoption related.
It stands for Henoch-Shonlien Purpura.

I had never heard of it either until this little one was diagnosed with it.

It is an autoimmune reaction to a virus.

About 3.5 weeks ago Ava was not feeling well. She had a tummy ache, low grade fever, fatigue and she just wasn't herself. Then she developed the oddest rash. It was little red petechia on her legs and arms. The spots would grow to be about dime to nickel size and then turn into bruises.

That's when we went to the ER. 
After googling it and reading that it could be linked to bacterial meningitis and that it was a very serious rash, we were on our way to the ER at 11:00pm at night.

The rash got worse after a couple days and still persists 2 weeks later.

The Doctors in the ER new exactly what it was and it was not related to meningitis- whew!

She no longer has a fever and she does have some energy back but every might she is up with abdominal pain.

Her worst week was when I was gone- poor dear.
It was hard to be away from her when she was not feeling well.
It is not contagious. It was started by a virus and this is how her body reacted to it.

 It last for 4-6 weeks. I am guessing we are on the 6 week track...

Once it's gone, it's gone- she will not have any other lingering autoimmune effects.
Very thankful for that!

 Hopefully sleeping through the night will be in the near future!
For all of us!

Just thought I'd share in case any one else has symptoms like this.