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Tuesday 1 September 2015

Guidance and prayer...

It has been a wonderful summer in every way! Two new daughters joined our family! Five of us went to China to get them and welcome them into our family! Everyone of us seemed to be happy, productive and enjoyed our summer!

The fall is upon us - especially since we live in the north! Cooler temps will arrive soon (notice no exclamation mark).

Big brother Matt is pursuing his dream to live in Colorado- although we will miss him terribly, we are happy for him!

Katie has her very own 4th grade classroom- she is excited for the school year to start on Tuesday!! She has moved to a new place that she loves and plans to keep it clean (wink, wink)!!

Billy's job is going well, he is enjoying it and learning so much! He will hopefully get a chance to golf and spend more time with friends this fall.

Mark's study abroad is a go!! Turks and Caicos did not have a direct hit and damage from the hurricane is minimal! PTL

Johnny has started school. He is a junior this year. The high school soccer season is in full swing and he is loving every minute of it!

Hubby is busy with work. He loves his job but it is demanding of his time. He does such a good job balancing work and family. We are all so thankful for that- everybody loves Dad and they all need him no matter how old they are (even if they are 4 yrs old or 52 yrs old)!

I have already shared a lot and often, regarding our girls- so no news is good news there!

As for me... I have a lot on my mind and a lot on my plate. I am in the process of trying/praying to figure it all out. It is all good but I do believe that too much good can equal bad... so we have some decisions to make. Our challenges are not all adoption related- and in the scheme of things are small but time consuming...

As I think back on the dream and the mission I wonder how am I doing? Am I doing what God has intended? Am I doing what he would consider a good job? Am I being faithful to his plan for us?

Many prayers need to be said... Many issues need to be thought through...

Guidance is prayed for and needed...