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Wednesday 9 September 2015

Back to school!

My pics are out of order but here is the closet that we cleaned! 

Kate will be taking most of the hangers! We are using it for HS stuff!! (well okay, beach towels, gift wrap and a few photo books, too!)

Here are the yummy bars we made- the photo does not do it justice!

This is our homeschool room!

No matter how much space we have it is never enough!

Anna ;-)   at school!

Sarah reading a book!

I did have a couple students misbehaving!

Yesterday we had our first day of school. It was an interesting and eventful day. I'd like to share it with you and you can let me know if you think it was a good day? or a not so good day?

Whew... here goes...

Usually the girls wake up on their own but this morning was different. About 8:00 I heard Anna crying and went into their room. Sarah was in bed and Anna was trying to get into Sarah's bed. Obviously, someone did not want her there. I walked in and said "Good morning girls, Anna what's wrong?" ( In my cheeriest voice). Sarah took one look at me and went under the covers. She was not happy right away. I gave Anna a hug dried her tears and encouraged everyone to rise and shine... didn't work, I got "the glare" right away. At this point I knew we were off to a rough start... (BTW-Sarah has been doing so so good- I was a little surprised but not really I could sense her anxiety) To make a long story a little bit shorter Sarah had a morning meltdown/tantrum. The  good news is Daddy surprised us with donuts and coffee. So the battle was not fought alone- I had back up!  Actually I was the back up this time and Daddy was the hugger! Honestly, I think she was just nervous for the first day of school- not knowing what to expect. After a 20 minute hug-a-thon they came down for BKF and all was fine!

We started our day with prayer and bible reading- so that was a good start. Right after that I spilled my latte on our new school books. Bummer... Sarah was wondering whose fault is that- mine honey- sorry!

Sarah did great with her subjects and realized it wasn't much different than we were doing 3 weeks ago. Anna cut and pasted and cut and pasted- by the time she was done the scissors were pasted shut and every scrap of paper was pasted to the table ;-)

We baked bars in the afternoon. Honestly, they are the best bars in the world- carmel chocolate bars! Mmmmmmmmm! If you want the recipe I would be happy to share it! Sarah tasted them and thought they were good but not great so as her mother I volunteered to help her finish her bar- it was the least I could do! 

After baking we went outside to play... and we were visited by our city inspector... guess who complained again... this time it was because we have 3 dogs at our house (Kate will be taking her dog, soon- she is just getting settled in her new place)- the problem I had with this is 3 dogs is just fine to have in our city- so why did they visit? She also complained that we had dirt showing- yes... we do, we have not finished our landscaping BUT it is set to be done with in 2 weeks (just grading, irrigation and sod) and it is a fairly small parcel. Then I guess there is debris on the property... it was a little metal pole from our other neighbors yard. Okay I just have to say this BUT I know I will wake up in the middle of the night wishing I wouldn't have said it- we own her whole front yard, it is actually our yard but she has landscaped it and we have just let it go- if someone owned your front yard and let you pretend it was yours wouldn't you try to be nice to them and not regularly complain to the city? We have lived in this city for 26 years and never had even one complaint (and we have never complained about anyone). We have lived in MN all our lives (that's over 50 years each) and neither of our families have ever had a complaint- argh....

The city inspector was as nice as could be and could see the problem was not us. After he left I felt so invaded and harassed- I felt like all I do is love, raise and educate our children and try to serve our Lord. I always smile and wave but I do appreciate a little privacy. I do not like to stand in the neighborhood and gossip. I am a family person and I want my space. No, we cannot move- too bad... not with this economy. Actually right now our money is going to adoptions and college!

The day ended with hubby and I at our son Johnny's soccer game. Johnny made the varsity soccer team as a sophomore and is getting lots of playing time. It is so fun watching him play- I just love that guy so much!! When the game was almost over he took a hard shot to the face. His neck snapped back and he seemed to roam around the field. They got him out of the game and he had no recollection for about 5 minute after getting hit by the soccer ball. They think he had a minor concussion. He was very foggy at home last night but the next day he felt fine and clear headed, no headache thank goodness. He will not be playing soccer for a couple days.

So... that was my day. What a roller coaster of a day! I looked back at my older post and I am trying my hardest to pray for my neighbor! At the same time I feel it is even more important to keep our distance...

How was your day?