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Sunday 6 September 2015

A new beginning!

Its a new beginning for my sister this week as she fly's out to start a new adventure in Germany. Its a new beginning for me as I start blogging (Im not the most confident with computers). Our beginnings vary, but they all matter! And im so excited! So I dedicate this blog to my special sister, Tash! Who is one of the most amazing women I know, she has packed up her life to follow her husbands dream of playing professional basketball! And that means moving all around the world! Its funny how we all wish for that opportunity at times, but when time come to leave your family and friends, everything you know including the language, its hard. But Tash, you have done the right thing and Im so proud of you and Mike! You are both in my prayers and heart!

Picture above and below is of my sister Tash and I in Paris, Jan 2010!

This Blog will be about My family and Our home!
Im so excited to share it with you! I LOVE decorating houses, organizing and constantly changing things around to make my home work more efficiently, and if you ask some of my close friends, i don't mind helping them out too! So be careful if i visit your house may be compleatly changed around by the time i leave!! haha (im not that bad). I will share a few of hints and ideas and what im doing at the moment in my home! Im also a bit of a clean freak so i'll throw in a cleaning tip or two too (that was a mouth full!)

But most of all this blog will be about my amazing beautiful family! Who i am so blessed with!

My gorgeous Hubby and I at The Louve, France.

My Baby (well he is 2 now) Luke! All rugged up on our winter holiday!

My amazing mum, with Tash and I on 'The Sound of Music' Tour in Salzburg, Austria!

I look forward to all your comments and ideas too!! Whoever you are!! xo