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Friday 6 March 2015

Finally the middle of Summer!

So after fumbling in every draw and handbag, I found my camera to take some photos of my house for you! I sooooo wish I had a good camera,
 just so it did a little justice to my house!

We built this house nearly 5 years ago and after renting it out for 2 years, its had some 'extra' work on it when we moved back in... (that story is just to big to even start!)...anyhow...we were blessed to get the plaster on our walls fixed, the whole house repainted - inside and out- tiles replaced and skirting boards put throughout! Our desire was to rebuild but through circumstances we're back here. So keeping a good perspective on things and an even better attitude we have decided to make the best of what we have... don't get me wrong, this house is beautiful and big... its just not where I thought I would be now!

 I was born and bred in the same house for 19 years until I got married and moved out! It was an old stone, heritage listed home, full of character! It had big beautiful fire places in the lounge room and master bedroom, french doors in the master and 2nd bedroom, leading onto the front verandas, hard wood floors through out, pressed tin ceilings and and old free standing iron bath tub!

I wanted to bring some 'character' into this home! House's these days are getting simpler and simpler and we are losing the 'home' feel. Either TOO big...and TOO expensive to fill or too small! Builders aren't making it easier by advertising 'cheap' homes but cutting short things like power points, water taps, tiling to the laundry etc.. Its quite ridiculous.

The builders were going to put in the basic bull-nose skirting through out (again the cheapest) but I opted for the 'colonial' skirting and we put in a false wall and a fire place! WHOOP WHOOP!! As soon as I knew we were moving back I hunted high and low for a mantle and found a package in the winter sales! 50% off!! YIPPEE!!

The fireplace is Cast Iron but at the moment we have just put an electric heater in. One day (when the boys are a bit bigger) I would love to get the flue attached and burn some wood! lol! Lots of people ask what it looks like on.. its hard to capture it in a photo but here it is.

Here it is during the making...

Im totally loving it now that it is finally finished!...And cant wait for Christmas to decorate the mantle! LOL!
The mantle arrangements change often (as you could imagine).
The colour I used for the fireplace is Dulux Gundaroo and the back walls are Dulux Beige Royal.
I also love the white cabinets I have either side! Thank you IKEA! LOL... All I have done is changed the door knobs on the to glass/chrystal knobs that my sister got for me from Anthropology!! HELLO! (BEST shop E.V.E.R!!)

Let me know what you think! x