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Saturday 28 March 2015


Well after all my winging and complaining, cricket is over... hooray!!!... It finished yesterday, and guess what starts tonight...Indoor cricket!! Yes, I'm serious, this isn't a joke... see, there really is a cricket addiction in this house from everyone, but me!!! I have to blame Paul for this one (indoor cricket that is)!!...but indoor cricket I can handle its one night a week and it usually only goes for an hour or so. As long as I have my weekends back with my husband, I'm a happy wife!

cough cough... I have a confession... I went to cricket both Saturday and Sunday and actually enjoyed it!... The cricket...not so much, but the fresh air. Relaxing on the picnic rug, with some home decor magazines, afternoon tea and a drink. Luke running around, playing soccer, golf, cricket, footy with the other kids. Ben enjoyed watching the leaves blow in the breeze and have his afternoon nap next to me on Luke's fold out couch! It was GREAT! I could do that next season...shhh... Don't tell Boyd ;)

SO he WON!! (oops forgot to mention that... probably an important piece of info) Yippee!! He made 22 runs, which is ok... and bowled a few overs too... Very proud of him! He is a bit of a legend in my eyes... and such a awesome example to the other guys on his team!

Here is the well deserved medal... now what to do with it!?

Ben enjoyed watching the trees...really is the best mobile around!! (Daddy batting in the back ground)

Luke playing golf... watching daddy bat... So cute, he kept calling out "GO DADDY" awww...
But didnt quiet get it, when Boyd got out and the opposing team shouted 'YAY'... He rejoiced with them :/
He didn't get why he shouldn't be rejoicing...haha.

Both days were such beautiful weather too!!

Well Done Boyd!
Love you! xx