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Sunday 29 March 2015


For a person who is quite artistic, I actually don't do many 'craft' activities with Luke. It doesn't make sense does it!? Well I think its because I'm a bit of a perfectionist so I struggle to let Luke's creative juices flow if its not, straight and perfect...stupid I know!!...SO ANYWAY... The last month or so I have put my perfectionism aside to do some craft activities together. To make it apart of a weekly routine.

I started collecting bits a pieces as things that were going into the recycling bin and put them in our now 'Craft Box'.

We have made a car...


Who went into another 'car'

Then we made a road out of Luke building blocks and our craft people went driving.

We have also made a pig and a boat.
Its heaps of fun and the cheapest activity EVER!... We have just been using things that would usually go into the recycling bin... and occasionally ill pick up some cheap popsical sticks, patty pans or feathers from a craft shop. 

But what do you do with all the precious craft after a few days...when its falling to bits and kids are over playing with it...
I have been taking a photo of it when we have finished 'doing craft'... when its at its best... then once its falling to pieces it goes into the bin... Its nice to have a photo of the craft but not actually keep it! ... otherwise I would end up with draws of special drawings and project Luke has done. Dont get me wrong, I do keep one on special occasions. But defiantly not his week to week craft!

Our photos then go into our Project Life album so we can go back and see all the special things we have made!

We have both been really enjoying it... I've surprised myself!
Give it a go. It cheap, entertaining and educational!!
The kids will love it!!