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Friday 27 March 2015

The Bigs!

Are doing well!

Biggest brother Matt is definitely enjoying his time in Colorado!

Matt and Caitlin went skiing on a special mountain with a guide over their spring break- it looks like they had a great time!

Yes, I think the tiny dot down there is Caitlin (his fiancé)!
Thankfully they are home now, safe and sound!

Matt is getting a Masters in Biostatistics at UC Denver and working part time as a consultant to Faculty and Physicians in the health sciences. Caitlin is Special Education teacher for Preschoolers. She is also continuing her education. So when they aren't working or studying they are busy making wedding plans! 
We can't wait for the big day!

Matt and Caitlin are very excited to have Katie, Andrew and Baby only one hour away. Katie and family will move to Colorado in early June!

We love having our big kids close together!

And here we have 37.5 weeks!

Oh my… this is so exciting!!
Every time the phone rings I think… it's the call!

And here we have 38 weeks!
You know- the call that says we're in labor!

Baby is moving a little less now. 
We think she is kinda running out of room!

We can hardly wait to fly to Germany to see these two and our new granddaughter!
Oh my… wouldn't that be something if she was a boy!
There would be lots of pink to put away!
It's happened before!
Not to me but to a friend of mine ;-)

Big middle brother Billy is working full time. Actually more than full time because he is at one of the top accounting firms and this is busy season.
His schedule should lighten up after April 15th!
(Just in time for the golf season!)
He received a masters in taxation from the Carlson School of Business in December.

BIG changes are in store for our Mark (and for us) in the near future!

Mark has been a HUGE help to us!
He has gone on two adoption trips to China, taught himself (some)Mandarin, takes Abby to many of her transfusion appts, babysat whenever we are in a pinch, taken other children to their appts and the list goes on!
Along with helping us he has been taking classes and working as a lab tech at the U of MN.

This was a wonderful time for him to partake in the adoption adventures and gave hime time to seek direction in his life. The road has taken a few twists and turns but isn't too far off of where he began. Medical school is no longer part of the dream but instead God had guided him elsewhere! He has been accepted in two wonderful PHD programs that are very much in line with his passions. 
One in "Pharmaceuticals and Drug Delivery" and the other one in "Natural Products Discovery". He will be deciding which one in the next couple weeks. 
We are praying about it now! 
He has been such a blessing to us and God's timing is so perfect!
Mark is ready to move on and we are so proud of him!

And this brings us to the youngest of the BIGS ;-)
Our Johnny!

Johnny is enjoying college! He is happy NOT to be a freshman any longer and looking forward to being a Junior next year!
Johnny and his buddy went to see their friends at Marquette and decided maybe they should go to Florida…

So guess where Johnny and Jack are right now!
Yep, you guessed it!
No clothes, no nothing just decided to go to Florida- 
oohhhh, to be a college kid again!

And then my dear boy text me from the outlet store in southern Florida to see what color shirt to buy-
 Blue honey- blue always works!
I love that he needs me!

All of my children keep me on my knees but a last minute trip to Florida definitely had me praying overtime!

Johnny is double majoring in Math and Philosophy.
He is excited to play soccer this fall with his college team!

We just need to photo shop Matt "in" on the right!

And I am very blessed to have such wonderful additions like Andrew, Caitlin and hopefully Kelly!
(hint, hint)

I love my bigs!
Just like I do my littles!
God is good- no, God is GREAT