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Tuesday 17 March 2015

Dear Friends,

Truly you are a gift from God. Truly you are such a blessing to us!

Throughout the day I have read your encouraging e-mails. Each time I pushed refresh I prayed for more- and the Lord delivered! Your words were comforting and encouraging. You helped me to to pray for my neighbor, to see beyond myself and my fear of what she may do. Instead I have been able to to pray for her, for his guidance and for his protection.

For awhile I wanted to wallow in the situation and try to get even, but then the burden became to heavy and I needed to give it to the Lord. You helped me to to realize what my angel was saying was right...

It seems at this point the situation is resolved. This person seems to not want to continue the battle, she just wants to care for the yard. We did make it clear that it would never be her property. Months ago, we actually tried to give it to her but we were unable too- if we did our property would be unsalable and we would have no address. At this point she may care for the property as long as we live here BUT she must be a good neighbor. We are completely fine with it although I do question if that will actually happen. We will put our trust in the Lord and see where he guides us.

Hubby now understands how important you are- you Jesus loving and adoption loving friends - your prayers have moved mountains! I knew they would and I am so glad that he knows that now, too! It is a bit of an abstract idea when you can post a blog and prayer comes your way- thank you, thank you, thank you. We are so grateful to our Lord for your prayers- YOU move mountains!

Please keep praying when you can- don't let the opposition keep us from serving our Lord!

God Bless you!