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Sunday 8 March 2015

The Church Van...

The time is near. The church van is just about ready for us to pick up. I'm struggling with it, a little. Okay, okay, I'll be honest- a lot! Yes, it's nice and all. We have put a few upgrades in it but some things they just couldn't do to it. Like the sun roof or larger tires, or a heated steering wheel and the list goes on! 

It will fit our ever growing family BUT there is not one thing about it that is cool. 
I guess that is okay. I wasn't cool before so why should I be cool now!

My family... mainly the older kids are having quite a good time laughing at me and have made it very clear they will not be riding in it... because they are too busy laughing.

When I tell friends I usually say- go ahead laugh, it's okay. I can handle it... and then they go right ahead and laugh.

Just wait people when our little treasures come pouring out of that thing! Your gonna wish you had one too... filled with little treasures!

Friday or Saturday I'll be sayin goodbye to the Yukon XL and hello to the church van!

sniff, sniff