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Thursday 12 March 2015

Surgery... cancelled...


We were at the hospital for 3 hours...
It was supposed to be for a blood draw, a tour of where we will be the day of surgery...

And then Luke coughed...
And he coughed again
and again...

Then they took his temp. It was 100...

This morning I heard him cough. I had hoped I was only hearing things OR that it was another child...

We have been so healthy all winter but Emma caught a cold a week ago. She is fine now but then Ellie got it. I tried to keep some distance between the kids, use paper towels for wiping hands along with other germ fighting substances.
BUT wouldn't ya know Mr Luke is the next one to get the potential cold.
No runny nose, no other symptoms but a few early signs that some upper respiratory thing is happening.
Another UGH...

His xray was clear but they don't want to take a chance. Of course we don't either but we had everything in place to proceed. Okay we will go with plan B. Not sure what that is yet but we will figure it out...

The minute we got home, I nebbed him!
I want to be on top of this so it doesn't get really bad. Hoping it never develops and we can get back on the calendar asap

They were also concerned about the sores on the sides of his mouth. They have been there since the dental work was gone and he keeps picking off the scabs? Not sure what they are?

One more

Thank you for your prayers! Save them and I'll keep you updated on the new date!