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Thursday 19 March 2015

Sweet Sleep! And a Thankful Thursday!

Sarah has been sleeping in a bed next to ours for the last 4 nights!! It feels so good to get sleep and not be woken by a little size one foot kicking me in the thigh. She seems to like it, too. She is quite proud of her bed and she says "my bed, pretty"!  We do have another carrot out there when she is ready- she will get to have her ears pierced when she sleeps in her bedroom. She is excited for pierced ears but she thinks sleeping in there would be scary- so it may be awhile.

We have had a little miscommunication with the dentist and endodontist. I specifically remember them saying after the partial root canal - not to do anything until we heard from our pediatric dentist- they will let you know the plan. He said if you don't hear in two weeks call them- you may have have fallen through the cracks. RED FLAG! Yes, we did fall through the cracks and being a busy Mom it took me 4 weeks to call the dentist. The good news is we are back on track- she has an appt for next week to get it all finished up!  I can't blame them sometimes I feel like things go in one ear and out the other- and I am not talkin about the kids- it's me!

Couple days ago we had a huge pouty day. I am thinking the tooth may have had something to do with it. At the end of the day both Mom and Dad had a talk with S.  We now have secret hand signals for "I love you" and for "smile, you are starting to pout". She loved the ideas and has been doing them all day. I'll let you know if they work when we need them!

Sarah is doing so well but there is a lot of changes in her life, a lot for her to get used too. She told me about a week ago-" Sarah no Chinese, I don't know, I can't do it". She was just realizing that she cannot speak Chinese any more. I said to her, "I know honey, I'm sorry, Chinese is hard but you are doing very well with your English".  Although I am happy for her incredible progress- it makes me sad she has lost her language.  I am hoping in the future that the girls can relearn Chinese.

We have had a wonderful week with MArk home! He has been a little under the weather but we all still love having him around!! We will be sorry to see him go back to school. He loves his sissies and his little bro Johnny!  

What a great day to be reminded of our many blessings!!
I am thankful that Sarah will have her root canal finished before spring break! 
I am thankful for our time with Mark at home!
I am so thankful that spring is near!
I am thankful that Sarah is doing so well! 
I am thankful that we have our little peanut, Anna- she is such a hoot!!
I am overjoyed with thankfulness for this life our dear Lord has given us!
I pray to serve him joyfully!
I  am thankful that little Bryson is doing better - Praise God! My Prayers are still with him!