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Wednesday 11 March 2015

Asking for prayers!

Please pray for our son, Matt. He was in a skiing accident 2 weeks ago. He rested for a week and then went back to work but was unable to stay for more than a few hours. He nearly fainted from the pain and had to go home. The pain is unmanageable with out major medication. They are wondering if maybe he may have a herniated a disk. He has not had an MRI yet but needs one, NOW.

His job requires him to sit at a computer much of the day and it is nearly impossible for him to do that.

Please pray-
That he will get the necessary test done to find out if more is going on. ( he is 26 we cannot do it for him, he needs to do it)
That the Lord will heal him. That the Lord will hear our prayers and that Matt will be touched by the Lord through this situation and answered prayer.
That very soon he will be able to stop taking the strong pain medication.
That he will be able to return to work in some capacity and that his employers will continue to be understanding of his situation.

Thank you so much for your kindness and prayers! They mean the world to us!
God Bless,