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Monday 16 March 2015

A Plea for Prayer!!

Dear Friends,
Our family is being attacked by the opposition. I kid you not, we desperately need your prayers. Please, please friends gather around and pray for our family. Encircle us with your prayers. Ask our heavenly father to chase away the opposition and to build a fortress of love and grace round us.

I am in tears and on my knees praying for protection from Satan and I do mean Satan...

I am so upset I can hardly type but I will try to explain... please be patient with me if my story is rambling or in bits and pieces...

We try every day to do good, to work hard, to joyfully care for our family and be kind to others, to love the Lord and serve the Lord. Hubby and I get along with everybody, that is one of the reasons why this feels so odd to us. We are so thankful for the simpleness in our life and wish to keep it this way- please help us with your prayers first then your advice... we so appreciate you!

Today my husband went to our neighbors house and told her that we plan to care for the pond this year. It is in front of her house but it is our property. We have had a few issues lately and just felt it was time to take care of what is ours. Our neighbor has

buried high voltage lines on it which if anyone is electrocuted it is our fault
she has completely landscaped it even though it is not her property
she swears at us and slams the door on our face if we mention that a shrub needs to come down because it hides the children from the cars going down the driveway. We want to protect the children.
She has told her handyman, who told us, that she is trying to take it over by imminent domaine...

For these reasons we feel it is our responsibility to take care of our own yard. We feel it is reasonable and the responsible thing to do...

My husband went over there to let her know that we will be taking care of the property from now on.
Soon after that we had window peepers (this is not the first time). We told her child and friend that it was against the law and they needed to go home now. It made me feel vulnerable and weird knowing someone was looking in our windows watching us as we made dinner...

Then we got a phone call from an irate ex husband. It was not a friendly call and was filled with swear words and threats. Scary threats, really scary threats- threats that were not true about us and threats of what she/they would do to us. And then he told us they have already had us investigated...

and they know about our financial problems from the past. I have to be honest with you- we have never kept that a secret but we have also never shared it with them...

(we share it with others, if we think it may help them)

I don't know if your stomach is turning but mine is...

The ex husband hung up on my hubby leaving him with the words- "she will make your life a living h___..." My husband looked at me and said your hunch was right she is worse than I thought.

At first I felt the fire rise in my soul. Do not threaten us. I knew I could count on you to flood the gates of heaven with prayer. I knew GOOD would win over evil.

But God sent me an angel at just the right time- his timing, his perfect timing... only God!

She told me to retreat, that Satan would enjoy bringing us down and that GOOD would prevail but is the cost of a fight too high. Yes, the cost of a fight would be too high...

Dear friends, I am so grateful to God. The message was heard loud and clear. Getting entangled with evil is much to high a price. God will deal with this person in his own way.

We decided quickly to "retreat into the arms of our Lord". My husband tried to go over to the house (the ex was over there now) and tell them she can care for it as long as we live here but they did not answer the door. That was probably a good thing, for I did fear for his safety. Instead he left a message on her phone and his cell phone.

We need your prayers dear friends- honestly we have seen the damage an angry meter maid can do. We have seen this type of anger before and after trying to fight for what is right and good we turned to our Lord and gave it to him. We vowed to spend each day doing something good and praising our Lord. We decided to turn away from fighting evil and cling to our God, cling to what is good and right.

Tonight we did that but we are still in danger. This person is unstable and we need your heavenly prayers to surround our home and protect us.

She has haunted us all last summer with threats and calls to the city for unsubstantial reasons.
(like having 3 dogs, putting in a basketball hoop and having a portion of our yard unsodded)

It may seem petty but it is not- we are being attacked by the opposition and we so humbly ask you to pray for us.

I do not cry easily but tonight has brought many tears...