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Tuesday 31 March 2015

Who Should Travel?

This Momma is getting so excited to go to China and get her girls!! I am so in love- be still my heart!

We are beginning to rethink who should travel and again I would love your opinion! We had planned for Katie and I to go to China and get the girls(Emma and Ellie). We still may do this but after leaving Sarah and Anna for 4 days while we went to Johnny's soccer tournament and coming home to challenges, we are rethinking the whole "who will travel thing".

I am starting to wonder if it would be better for Jim and I, Sarah and Anna to go to China. We are inviting Katie too if it works for her with her job. The boys are choosing not to come to China- we have asked them but we have also told them it is a working trip not a vacation. We really have no idea when we will go - the earliest would be the end of May and the latest would be the end of June. (nothing has been decided for sure just contemplating possibilities right now).

We had decided not to bring Sarah because she was having nightmares that we would leave her in China but at that point she had only been home 8 months. Now she has been home 16 months and is more secure. Plus it could be good for her to see that she can go to China and come back with her family- more proof we are her forever family! We also feel like Sarah and Anna will feel more like part of the adoption process of their new sibs instead of just having mom show up with 2 more sisters.

Sarah and Anna will have a chance to get to know their new siblings in China before returning home and getting back to the regular routine. They will have ownership of the process. They will also be ice breakers and show the two new girls that we are an okay family. Sarah may (or may not) be able to help us out with the language.

I will not have to be separated from them for 2 weeks and then have to go through the "re-bonding period" because I left them.

Now this does mean we will go coach and I am sorry because I am a wimp but please tell me it's not so bad and I can do it. (then please forgive me for being a wimp) Plus I better get used to it - I plan to go back there as soon as I can!!

What are your thoughts? What did you do or what are you planning to do in this situation?