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Wednesday 11 March 2015

No Guarantees!

As we prepare to bring Sam and Ava home I am reminded of the fact that these two children do not know each other... at all!

Last time we adopted two that knew each other very well- bio sibs. We were shocked at how they easily pushed each other aside for love and attention. All blood ties went out the window in order to obtain a premier spot in their new family. 

It was sad. At the same time neither could stand it if the other was hurting... It was a conglomeration of emotions intertwined and very tangled...

What will we see this time as we greet 2 children that could care less about each other?
I really don't know what to expect but my mind is continuously thinking of the different scenarios that could become our reality.

To us it is perfect! Two darling children wanting and needing a family! two parents passionate about the children, eager to welcome more into our home!

Why would I think it would go smoothly? Why would we even dream that they may remotely like each other? Why would I ever think they will even understand what exactly is going on? Two kids? Are these new parents going to choose between us??

Children in China know at a young age that boys are preferred and yet our Sam has not had an easy life.  Boys with disabilities are the lowest of the low. Chances of us even knowing his current health status are slim. We have not been able to get an update on him for quite awhile. 

Ava is in a small foster/orphanage setting. We believe she has been moved round quite a bit but have recently heard she is happy with her latest home.

There is going to be a plethora of feelings! Initially and throughout our time in China.

There are a few things we know-
Two adorable children are about to get a family!
They need a family, a future, love, health care and healthy food!
They need to be free to be children and to get an education!
They need to know their Savior- Jesus!

So despite the challenges that are ahead- 
Through God's blessings we can give them what they need and we can show they what it means to have a family, to have love and to have faith!

Please pray for them, for us, for the challenges and uncertainties that are ahead of all of us.
Please pray that God's presence will be evident and felt.
That we will feel his comfort in times of stress and need.
That we will walk with Him every step of the way!
Please pray for our sweet new children as this will be one of the most stressful things they have ever been through- after all who on earth are these crazy lookin people (us)!
(Sarah, Emma and Ellie still talk about it- let's face it- we are scary to orphans from China!)

Their are no guarantees in life and certainly none in adoption. We deeply thank you for your prayers. We know our heavenly Father will hear them and help our sweet children as they begin a journey like no other.

Praying that you two can like and accept each other and in time will learn to love one another!

(this is a younger pics of Sam)