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Tuesday 24 March 2015


Please pray for my cousin's son Brian. He is 19 yrs old and lives in Chicago. He had brain cancer when he was young. Through radiation and chemo they were able to put it in remission. It came back about 1 yr. ago. He had a stroke a couple days ago. The doctors said they could not do anything more for him so they sent him home with Mom and Dad (Pat and Pat). He used to try to talk, watch TV and do things but now he just rests in bed and sleeps for much of the day.

I am not real close with my cousin. We have only seen each other about 10 times over the last 50 yrs. I know they deeply love their son and they are heartbroken. They know that this is in God's hands and they are leaning on him.

Please pray for God size miracle! Please pray for comfort and peace for Brian and for their family.
Thank you so much bloggy friends. Your prayers mean so much!

Blessings to you,