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Friday 13 March 2015

Pasta Night!

We belong to a little golf club in the area- this is where we go swimming during the summer!
Through out the winter they have special dinners and Wednesday is Pasta Night!

We have to use our monthly minimum so we go there once a month! 

The children LOVE it! They create their own concoction and that is their dinner!
We have them pick two veggies and one meat!
Next, is the pasta of their choice and the sauce they would like!

We had them line up according to age and take turns going through the line! Daddy is at one end and I am at the other!

Then we do a little sharing to see if we like someone else's "choices" better!
The children do so well and have so much fun!

The main dinning room was full so they gave us another room... with 2 TV's and lots of space!

As the children go through the line they say so many nice things about them!
They really are so well behaved and we are so thankful to be able to venture out with them!

As you can see... all our tummies were FULL!

We had plenty to eat and great conversation!

And then they brought out the chocolate chip/M&M cookies for dessert!

Feeling very very blessed and FULL!

Thankful it went well!
Looks like we can do this next month too!

Emma has so much fun with this extra large family of ours!
Melissa is especially kind to her and looks out for her!

Ava is such a blessing!

As they ALL are!
Thank you Jesus!