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Friday 6 March 2015

Tea with Jam and Bread

Boyd brought me home a box of plums! $10 for the box!! Bargin!... Jamming plums!!

We got a bread maker about 1 month ago and in the recipe book that came with it was recipes for different jams. So we thought ..."Hey! Lets give Plum Jam a go!" So the tedious task of peeling and pitting a box of plums started! By the end of it, my wrists were sore and my skin was stinging from all the juices (well the acids in the juice)


1 kgs of Plums (pitted, peeled and chopped)
3 cups of Sugar
2 Tablespoons of Lemon Juice.

Chuck it all in the bread maker and press START!...pretty darn easy...
Easy on a pot too... Bring it to the boil and simmer for and hour...

Makes sure you sterilize your jars. Give them a good wash in soapy water, rinse then put jars and lids on a tray and put them in the oven on 150 degrees for 20-25 minutes. It will kill any bugs or bacteria in your jars... them pour HOT jam into a HOT jar! Your Jam should keep for 3 months!!

So if your wondering why the jar isn't FULL... well the recipe said leave 2cm for 'steam'... so i did but it looks a bit silly. The next batch I filled full and they were fine! :)

Always have to add the finishing touches, a label and some material and ribbon to cover the lid! Beautiful!

So cute...don't they just look like what nana use to make!? :)

"Tea with jam and bread, with jam, with jam and BREAD"... ok thats the 'Sound of Music' if you dont know :)

Happy Jamming!! xx