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Friday 6 March 2015


Hubby and I are feeling a little sleep deprived.
So we made the executive decision to not have anyone sleep with us. 
Just Mia would be in the mattress on the floor but no cute little bodies in the bed!

As they went upstairs to brush teeth, we told them...
but they seemed too happy?

On the bonding standpoint that was not good
it seems they may have misunderstood their Momma and Babba...

because Madeline was thrilled
Melissa was disappointed 
and Mia was confused?

I'm thinking there was a bit of miscommunication going on!

as it turns out...
Madeline is in our bed

Melissa is in her bed and Mia is in her mattress on our floor.

I guess we'll go with this tonight!


Sarah LOVED all your Birthday wishes!
THANK YOU, Thank you!!

She had a wonderful day!
It include shaving her legs for the first time!
She has waited patiently for this day to come!

And she got a call from her friend Claire in Atlanta!

The girls met in China!
Claire's family is from MN but moved to Atlanta a few years ago. 
The girls quickly became fast friends!

Sarah picked out a delicious Birthday dinner-
sloppy joes, chips, fruit salad and pop!

No comments on the nutritional value of this meal!
It was thoroughly enjoyed by all
(and easy)!

Blessings to you!