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Friday 6 March 2015

All Good Things Must Come To An End!

After so much fun in the sun,
we decided it was time to have quieter day,
so we went to The Lego Movie!

We looked at a few shops just to kill some time.
I told everyone not to touch a thing, just look with your eyes.
Hmmm, once again what does don't touch a thing mean?
Okay, they were so cute in the hats I had to take a picture!

The movie was great!
I may have shut my eyes for a moment but would never fess up to that in front of the children!
At least I didn't snore this time!
At least I don't think I did- I was just resting my eyes!

Anna, on the far side of the fountain.

Hubby worked while we played!

I'm thinking I'm gettin the good end of the deal!
Praise GOD , hubby loves his job!
Because I LOVE mine!

Ben's foster sister lives in Florida.
He talked with her the other day!
He was teary and it was very emotional for her, too.
They spoke mostly Mandarin.
She has been home for 2 years and he has been home for almost 3 months.
They are 3 years apart and she adored him and helped take care of him.
When she was adopted Ben returned to the orphanage and left his foster family.
It is so wonderful to have this connection for him and for his China sister.

They are both so competitive!
Mia and Sarah are good for each other- God knew what He was doing when he put them together!
They can hold a handstand for quite awhile!

So glad we were able to catch a perfect sunset at our favorite beach!

They just can't help themselves!
It's like a huge sandbox!

Hanging out, while the sun is setting!

Sarah did a round off back handspring on the beach!
She loves gymnastics!

The tide was so low- lots of room to play!

Praising GOD for this sweet girl, Madeline is a darling daughter and we are blessed!
She has been home for 13 months now!
It feels like she has been with us forever!

Very peaceful!

And, once again I apologize for the next 13 pictures!

One of each child at the beach, while the sun was setting!














Another beautiful sunset!
This never gets old!

Praising HIM!

My Helper!

March 5th was Sarah's Birthday!
She is 14 years old- wow, time goes by fast!

This last Sunday when we were in church, a couple offered to treat us to the Dolphin Cruise. Their son was the captain of the boat. We had just looked into it and the children were hoping we could do it.
As it turned out there was availability on Sarah's Birthday in the afternoon.
I am always amazed at God's kindness and how he moves the hearts of his people.
HIS timing is impeccable (for more reason that I can even share right now).

We had the BEST time!

We saw 13 dolphins (but of course the kids think we saw about 18 cause they kept counting the same ones over and over)!

We learned how to identify the different dolphins and about the waterways and the wildlife of southern Florida!

It was a 3 hour cruised filled with information and fun!

They all had their clipboards and were checking off what they were seeing!

And of course we made friends with everyone else in the cruise!

We shelled on an excluded island.

And everyone of the children said to me fifty thousand times
"Mom can I keep this shell."
I gave up saying no.
Yes, you can.
Yes, you can.
Yes, you can.

And then all of the other adults felt it necessary to help our children find more shells...
Thank you...
Kind of...

Anna had the most... she won...?

I do have to tell you that-
Hubby said he heard that Joe Biden bought a home on an island like this one...
I said oh, cool...
Now who is Joe Biden again?
 He smiled and said...
the vice president of the United States Of America...

Oh ya, now I remember!

I'm sorry, I was thinking - what team does he coach?

I have officially earned myself a spot on late night TV, when they go out and ask people questions like this... 
Questions we should know!
I did know it... I just forgot!

We will have her party at home with brother Billy who shares a March B-day!
My pics are a bit too vibrant and over exposed. I think my camera setting is off a bit.

A cake from Cold Stone works great!

We are packing up now and heading home!
It's time to get back into our routine and see our doggies and big kids!