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Wednesday 5 August 2015

What Love can do... A Thankful Thursday Post!

Our passion is with the children. There are so many children without parents- our hearts are heavy with just the thought. We are amazed at the transformation in our own daughters - how just Love can change their lives so much!!

We are amazed at their progress - they have only been home 2.5 weeks and already their reaction to love, security, a home and a family has overwhelmed us. We are on our knees in thankfulness to our dear Lord!

Emma is a completely different person- she is calm, happy, content, interested, - she is not the same person that we met in China. Hubby continues to comment on her behavior - he is overjoyed and grateful. Honestly we are stumped and just keep thinking ... only God!

We no longer need to discipline her like we did in Ch*na- only a "no" will do. She is crushed if she disappoints us- and she looks to us for guidance. Honestly, I am in awe, we are in awe ... in awe of Him!

The girls go to a park playgroup - I signed them up when I thought they would be home in early summer-oops. It is challenging for them to just "fit it". The other day I figured I would run a few errands while they played - Emma cried- she was so sad that I would leave her... this is incredible progress! I stayed on the bench during the playgroup and she slowly enjoyed her time at the park. God Bless this dear girl- each day she makes progress!

We have had many appts lately- DR's, dentists, speech, PT, specialists, etc. With each of these appts we get to know our daughters better! I can't believe I have missed out on so many years of their lives- it makes my heart heavy. They are incredible- I am so thankful that our Lord has blessed us with them in our lives!
Thank you Jesus!!