We took a day trip with the girls. It was 2.5 hours away and they did great in the car. We watched movies, listened to music and enjoyed the scenery outside.

They are thrilled with the most simple things! I love that about them!

Another real smile!! If I were to say we are getting more real smiles you know that I would be proven wrong so I will not be so bold as to say that but... it may be happening!!

And that goes for Anna, too!!
The happy crew!
Someone is not cooperating? I wonder who it is??
Yes, I know we are matching. We all have red on for a reason!

It was beautiful on Lake Superior! The weather was perfect! It almost made us want to move there BUT we know better! Hubby's Dad used to say "The coldest winter I ever had was a summer in Duluth!" We thought that was the funniest thing we ever heard! He had such a great sense of humor!!
That is the lift bridge! It raises up to let the big boats through!! And then it lowers for the cars to drive over! The girls were amazed with the sight of the road rising!
It was huge! Seriously huge!
It was a glorious day! Beautiful in every way! It is such a blessing to have our daughters home and to have everything going well!
The reason for the road trip was to see Johnny's High School soccer game!
They had an away game and a time to bond as a team. We had a time to bond as a family!
Well, partial family that is...
Sarah is a big fan of her brother!!
They all cheered for him and almost ran out on the field a couple times! We caught them in time ;-)
Puppies! That's what first came to mind as I watched them play! I forgot to bring things to do at the game like coloring, stickers, etc. Thank goodness they seemed to entertain themselves!!
And no one got hurt! Whew!
This is why we wore RED! To support the team and our big brother!
Here he is ...#4...
We love you Johnny!