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Friday 21 August 2015

He's Back!

So, so thankful our Mark is home from Fiji! It went well and it was very interesting... in many ways!
Not quite what he thought it would be science wise BUT he had a great experience!!

He wore a sulu while he was there- basically a clothe wrapped around like a skirt, when he was in the villages. He did not stay at the vacation spots but instead lived on the islands like the Fijian's!

He learned a few common words and snorkeled amongst the MOST beautiful coral reefs you can imagine!

He shaved his head before leaving and didn't bother with his hair the rest of the time hence the beard!
Everyone was surprised!
I think he looks like honest Abe!

Mark was our "manny" for 2 summers! Therefore he is very popular with the younger children!
I love how much the younger children love the older children!
It was definitely a highlight to have him come home!

We are so thankful he is here! Safe and sound!
 He will only be home for 2 weeks and then he goes back to college...