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Sunday 9 August 2015

He's Back!

Our Johnny has been very busy!
In the spring he was busy studying and taking finals at college but made time to come home and celebrate my birthday!

It is always such a blessing when our big kids come home!
No matter how close or far away they may be- it is always such a joy to see them and hear how they are doing with work, school or just with life!

When school was over he decided it was time to cut the curls!
He finally got the buzz cut his Momma wouldn't let him have when he was younger!
And now he looked A LOT like his big brother Billy!

Then he left for Chicago to study computer coding!
We missed him soooooo much…

But thankfully he met us in Colorado for the wedding!
Then it was back to school in Chicago!

We asked him how he liked Chicago… 
his response was
"I haven't seen Chicago…
I've been too busy with school."

He arrived home this week!
So, so glad he is home!
We missed him!

It feels so right to have him back in town!

Soccer starts at the end of this week for Johnny!

School starts at the end of the month.

Welcome home Johnny!
We Love You!