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Tuesday 18 August 2015

Field Trip - "Little House On The Prairie" (Part 2)

Next on the agenda was the Laura Ingalls Wilder Museum in the heart of downtown Walnut Grove, MN!

Pa, it looks like the wagon is full!
Now we just need to hitch up the horses!

There's a gift shop at the museum- you'll see what we bought at the end of the post!

And lots of memorabilia from the TV show.

Many of the actors and actresses from the hit TV show have visited the museum, town and have been part of the Laura Ingalls Wilder Celebration.

They also have a lot of historical information on the Ingalls and Wilder families.

It was very interesting to browse through.

A mini church replica (not our favorite one).

An play area for the kids.

Caroline, Carrie, Grace, Charles, Laura and Mary Ingalls

A quote from the book.
This could work for me!

Ava ironing- she may not even know what it was… cause she never sees her Momma do it!

Ben and Anna ready to scrub the clothes!

So glad they have improved washing machines!

Another sod house.

A little school house.

The children loved playing school!

They could have stayed here for hours!

We all learned so much about the pioneer days!

About their homes and their lives.

We are hoping to visit another home of Laura's in the fall!
It's in Pepin, Wisconsin!

A jail cell from the old courthouse!

Perfect for my naughty children!

We loved every bit of it!

However, one of the best parts was "on by the banks of plum creek"!

Of course, Sam fell in immediately!
Clothes were dry though!

Anna was our first little one to come home- 7 year ago!

So many new experiences!

One by one they got into Plum Creek!

And played and hunted for minnows... 

and crayfish!

Mia was the last to "hold out" but she finally got in with our urging!

And then she decided she liked it!

The famous "big rock" is right there!
It's big!
10ft x 10ft x 8ft big!

It was such a GREAT day!
One of the highlights of our summer!

Getting them out of Plum Creek was another story!
They wanted to stay and continue to explore
but it was time to head back home.

I know that artificial twinning(adopting children that are not blood related but close in age) is discouraged in adoption
but it sure has been a blessing to us!

Hubby taught her to do this today!

Madeline learned how to do it too!

And then we found the site of their first home.
It was a dugout.

Built right into the side of this little hill.
It;s the roped in area.
It was 10 ft by 10ft.

They built a log home on the other side of the bank the following year.

The creek was right in front of their home!

So interesting!
I think I will appreciate and be able to imagine the stories even better now!

Exploring the area!

This is the farm that owns the property now.
There is no relation to the Ingalls family but they are very respectful of the history that is here!

And now we have Carrie, Mary and Laura!
My goodness they look a lot like Abby, Ava and Anna!

So yes, we made a purchase at the store…
We thought sharing was a great idea…
except, right now we have 2 sad little girls…
Hmmmm, if the outfits remain popular I will be calling the museum and ordering 2 more!

It;s just one of the many things ya gotta do when your a Momma to many!
(FYI- we are ALL SET for Halloween!)