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Monday 24 August 2015

Three Country Tour!

This morning we were up at 5:30am so we could be on time for our 7:00am tour!

We started with Austria!

It was so beautiful!
The lake is a turquoise color!

The pic above is with Katie's camera and this one is with mine.
Although my camera is fine her is definitely better!

ALL of the churches are so magnificent!
They have tall steeples reaching toward the sky.
They believe the cross should be the highest point in the town.

Obviously this is Kate's pic- she is the creative one of the group!
The church is on the upper left!


They have little wood buildings all over the countryside!
They are for hay storage.

We ate breakfast here in Austria and took photos.

We had a very large bus- double decker and it was as wide as the road.

Thank goodness the scenery was so beautiful that we did not focus too much on the bus managing those curvy mountain roads.

I got some of the pics with my iphone pushed up to the window so there would not be any glare.
This is a very very old castle.
I would have love to have looked through it!

Yes I was praying as we maneuvered through these mountains 

and winding roads...

While in the hugest bus EVER!

Katie was on one side of the bus and I was on the other. 

We saw beautiful streams of clear cold water rushing down the mountainside!

We drove through the Austrian and Swiss Alps!
And to our big boys- there were TONS of ski areas!
Your probably going to want to visit your sister asap!

And many peaceful little towns in the valleys.
Some of the towns only get a couple hours of direct sunlight per day because of the mountains. 

One town has refectors on top of the mountain so it can have more sunlight.

When we drove through the little towns some of the buildings were right next to the road. In other words think twice before you walk out your front door! If the window would have been open I could have reached out and touched the building.

Another sweet church!

We left Austria and then drove to Switzerland!

We drove way above the tree line and took a break for photos and a snack

Sweet Kate is reflection in this picture!

A few flowers still grew and some moss on the rocks.

There were just a couple buildings this high up- the very LAST ones.

The lake was fabulous- clear and turquoise!

The air was so crisp and comfortable.

WE are having so much fun together!

We stopped and had lunch in Switzerland.
No clue what the name of the town was?
It was tiny and lovely!

It was so nice to stop and get out of the bus to enjoy this beauty!

And then we were on to Lichtenstein! 

They had dancers in the street!

We enjoyed watching them!

Photos by Katie!

Above the town is the castle.
The buildings were a bit more contemporary.

I bought a map and my der daughter said they are so so out dated Mom... until her internet didn't work!
The she liked them!

I really like this cuckoo clock but it was more than I wanted to spend. 
So I guess I'll just have to enjoy it as a picture!

ANother view of the castle!

I am leaving for home tomorrow but I will continue to post about the trip so we can have record of it.
I am sorry for so many pictures- we couldn't help ourselves!

I am so sad to leave my sweet girl and her wonderful hubby...
WE have had so much fun!
At the same time I am looking forward to seeing all the children at home and my wonderful hubby!

Thank you Jesus for being with us and for this special time together!
Thank you Hubby for sending me here!
Thank you Katie and Andrew for your hospitality- you are so much fun and we love you both!!