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Friday 14 August 2015

The NAME dilemma...

First- I am very excited about the gift that we are sending to our sweet little girl who is waiting for us in China!
I think she will like what she is getting!
2 Dresses 
Ni Hao Kialan doll
Hair bows
Sandals and crocs
Photo albums of her new family!
Letter from her new family!

Here are the photos we are sending!!
I can't wait until she is in them!!

NOW... on to the latest dilemma!

Her name...

I love her name, I mean really love it!


It's time to fess up...

We actually have a dog named Mia...

who is (gulp) still alive...

I know your beginning to thing I'm CRAZY!

Why would I name our child the same name as our... ahem... dog?

I really don't know why except I thought maybe we could just simply change the doggies name...

Yep, that's what I thought ;-)

After 8 years of calling her Mia, I thought we could just change it...

Just as simple as that! After all we change our children from China's name, just like that!

Well, the dog is wondering what the heck is wrong with her family because we keep calling her "Mia", then "Maya", the "O'mia- maya", then "hey you" get over here or whatever else comes out of our mouths!

The big kids are getting a kick out of this!
It's like comedy hour at our house!

They refuse to change her name and and are having quite a good time watching us try to figure it out!

So... I bring this to you. 
 The other name we like is Mary Elizabeth.
The rest of the fam is good with that but I still really like the name Mia for our sweet little girl...

Yes, I am very stubborn...

It's hard to make a huge change at this point because we think of her as Mia Elizabeth.

So go ahead and give me some feedback! 
Please don't use words such as ridiculous, crazy, nutty, stupid, whacky or what planet are you from...

 keep it kind ;-)


Later addition to post-

Okay- What do ya think about this-
 Formal name
Mary Elizabeth
nickname and what we call her-