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Sunday 16 August 2015


Are ya singing the tune? cause I am!
Well, at least for the end of summer that is! I can do it, no longer! 
We have had school for 4 mornings almost every week and now it's time to take a break!
I know, we are a little off the normal school schedule!
I have always gone to the beat of a different drummer and always will!

We'll start back up on September 6th!
For now we are just going to enjoy ourselves, get somethings done and prepare for the new school year!

We will need to do a new room arrangement (which effects the school room) with two more kiddos coming home! 
That will be another post!!

I love these two boys and I love how God moves hearts and creates miracles within a family!

Cheese sticks are the latest and greatest snack around here!

Here's Johnny wowwing the littles!

Billy was next!

This is Anna's first time swimming in the middle of the lake! 
She loved it!

And Ava's first time, too!
It was a loud event, as they squealed with glee!
Could anything be more fun-
I ask you?

According to our treasures, the answer would be NO!
This is awesome!!

There's a party in the lake!

Sammy is waiting until next year - he got to push Johnny and Billy in and loved it!
Next summer his colostomy will be fixed and we won't have to pay attention to swim time vs changing his bag. I think he can swim in a lake but I do worry about the different bacteria in a lake and his open ostomy (if it should come undone) and want to be cautious. 
This little guy is all muscle and not an ounce of fat- therefor he does NOT float. Next year will work out much better after he has had MORE swim lessons!!

For now we are studying FUN! And plan to enjoy our last days of SUMMER!!

Thank you for all the comments regarding Mia/Mary's name! 
They are so appreciated!
Hubby and I will talk and I'll let you know!
It's either Mia Elizabeth or Mary Elizabeth!