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Saturday 8 August 2015

Fingerprints and GOD!

By now, you know how much I love telling GOD stories!

I love seeing HIM in our everyday!
And then I LOVE to share it with you!

And as usual I will add in random cute kiddie pics!

A couple weeks ago Hubby went in for his fingerprints for our I80*A approval.

We have walked in before and have been scolded BUT they always seem to let us get our fingerprints done. We knew someday they would take one look at us and shew us out the door. Someday our luck would run out...

So we sent hubby as our guinea pig!
(plus he was going out of town so he wanted to get it done)

He walked in and told them why he was there...
Which began a 30 minute lecture on how THEY DO NOT DO THAT ANYMORE!
The man behind the desk did not care that it was for an adoption...
He did not care that we were trying to get our children home asap...
I actually kind of understand - rules are rules...
but if there is an opening in their busy schedule...
why not let a family get it done...
And let a child come home asap!

Hubby listened to the scolding, appropriately apologized and said he understood and was about to turn around and walk out...
But, the man behind the desk stopped him and continued to scold him.
Hubby took the scolding well and then offered to leave

But the man would not let him leave...

He finally said
"Well, since you are here let's go ahead and get it done!"

Hubby continued to apologize and started the process to get the fingerprints done.
He then mentioned...
that his wife and son would also be coming in early which sparked a whole other scolding and refusal to allow us to do such a thing.

Okay, okay Hubby said... I will tell them...

And now it's time for some unrelated pictures!

Oh my how I love these children!!
They are playing! 
Not sure exactly what they are playing but it involves trophies, stuffed animals, smiles and a lot of fun!

And now on with the story!

So hubby is having his fingerprints taken and the woman that is helping him is saying-
 so Carl is giving you a hard time. How come?
And hubby proceeds to tell her why and what we are trying to do.

She then begins to tell hubby she used to work for the airlines and she would bring children home from India. She used to work with Mother Theresa to get the children home.
She talked about the aura that was around Mother Theresa and that she owned nothing but an extra set of clothes and a crucifix...

Wow... wow... feeling at a loss of words...
So amazing...

She then said to hubby -
 you tell your wife and son to come in on Friday at 10:00. I am in charge that day and I will make sure they get in!

Wow God...

WE got in without a hitch or a scolding!



If ya get a chance please say a prayer that we get our I80*A approval soon AND get DTC'd asap.

Really feeling like these kiddos need to come HOME!