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Tuesday 25 August 2015


Emma after the MRI. She was sedated during it, so in the pic she is a little groggy.

She loves the "care" she is getting- the appts, the TLC, the stickers!! Here is her nurse and the translator. I encouraged them not to have one. We are getting along fine without one but she was very nice and Emma did answer a few questions for her.

Now that is one seriously big and natural smile!! I love it!!

Once again I say- thank you Jesus!

This was a big week for our Emma Joy! She had an MRI and we got the results back in 24 hours! Everything is fine- alleluia!! We are thrilled and can check that concern off the list!

She also had an OT eval and she does qualify for the services! In some areas she did a good job and then other areas, not so much. The therapist thinks that many of Emma's movements and reactions are very primitive (exactly the word I was thinking of) and feels with PT and OT she will be able to move her through some of the stages that she did not get to experience probably due to neglect. By saying this, I do not feel that it was something her birth parents did deliberately. It was probably due to their situation and then the situation in the orphanage. On top of that she was labeled the bad child in her foster home so along the way Emma just didn't get the nurturing she needed. Many of her mannerisms and movements are very infantile and toddlerish.

It was reassuring to me to know that the therapist was thinking and seeing the same things. She just seemed to understand everything I was saying!! It was a relief to know someone else "got it"! I felt completely "lead" to her and to this situation! Afterwards, I was filed with complete gratitude. There is so much hope for our darling daughter!

We also finish this month of swimming lessons. When we started I wondered if the teacher would have enough patients for Emma. Again her movements and responses are so primitive and toddlerish. We will be moving to another time and teacher for September. I thanked him for the good job he did- and he said it was challenging but he also looked quite happy with himself for the job that he did and the progress that Emma made!

At the end of the day I was so grateful to God! For the answers we have, for the hopeful future and for the help that we have along the way! It was such a good feeling to know God is with us, there is hope for our daughter and that with everyday she makes progress- little by little! Thank You Jesus!!

If you are thinking about plunging into older child adoption- I have to tell you it is the MOST rewarding thing I have ever done in my life! AND I wouldn't even consider doing it without walking every step of the way with our Saviour, Jesus!!

These kids are awesome... although that is not evident right away- they blossom like a flower! Be patient and enjoy the moments, it is so worth it!! I feel like I am seeing God at work, right in front of my very eyes! Nothing short of amazing!