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Wednesday 19 August 2015

When an "A" becomes a "B"!

The pics are from last weekend. We took the girls out on their first boat ride! No one wore swim suits- we did not what them to think they should jump in the lake!

It was a beautiful morning and we all enjoyed our time on the water! Oh my, Anna drove the boat! Thank goodness the co-captain was close by!!

The girls were amazed with everything- well, most of them were! Our other sweet girl is just happy to be home!!

Yep- here are the nappers! I think they are so cute together! Ellie loves to nap and Anna needs to nap! They are a great team!!

Hubby and I were talking tonight. We decided it takes an A type personality to hop into the adoption ring and get all the paperwork done BUT it takes a B type personality to deal with it all once they are home.

So, I have now decided to become a B type personality (smile- not so sure you can just do that) to deal with the array of challenges as they come up!

Yep- that's me- easy going, calm at all times and not in a rush!

Hubby said to me- "You are so "A" , I have no doubt you will "will" yourself to become a "B"!

Awe, honey, that is so sweet!

Really, have you ever heard such a nice compliment!

He coulda said I was pretty but no he said just what I wanted to hear!

So as of today I am a "B"!!