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Sunday 16 August 2015

Fun with a Family from Bloggyland!

Two weeks ago, I got an email from Momma D over at

She said she was going to be in our area and would it work for us to get together?

My response - YES!!!
What a joy to meet up with this Mom of many- 12 kiddos, 10 bio and 2 adopted!

They are taking quite the road trip! From Washington to Texas by way of Minnesota and Wisconsin!
The actually have family in our area and were visiting them. So glad we were blessed to be part of their journey!

Laurel and I had plenty to talk about- our lives are very similar! We both were married to the loves of our lives in 1982 and they are both named Jim!
We have a passion for the Lord, the children, the orphans and homeschooling!

All of our children did great together! My children want to know when they are coming back!
And they are hoping it's sooner rather than later!

Luke bumped his head on the table and sliced it open. So our evening included lots of blood and a quick trip to the ER for a bundle of staples in his head!
He took it like a champ- no tears and he got back in time for dinner and pictures!

Our children learned lots of new games from their new friends!

Why is it that none of the large, Jesus loving, homeschooling loving, adoption loving families live near each other? 

So thankful we have been able to connect through the internet!
We need to support each other!

Thank you Laurel for fitting us into your vacation!
Please come back asap!