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Sunday 30 August 2015

A Reminder-

Today in church I came to the realization that I have gotten off course. I have forgotten my purpose, my joy and my mission. I have allowed myself to be of the world and to get sidetracked. I have spent my time worrying about neighbors, over thinking parenting and grumbling to myself.

That is not my purpose, that is not my joy and that is not my mission. I have thought of my journey as being "done" after this adoption- that is wrong. That is what the world would expect and that is not accurate. No matter how many children join our family or not - I will never be done.

It is my dream, my passion and my life's work to care for the children in some capacity (until the day I die). My first choice would always be to have them in my home with me but if that cannot be- we will find another way, another home, somehow... I will never be done. Not as long as there is a child out there that needs a home.

The Lord spoke to my heart today and reminded me what I am doing and why I am doing this. My dream and my mission is to to serve the Lord and love the children. It felt so good to be rekindled, to be reminded and to be redirected! Thank you Jesus!