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Saturday, 22 August 2015

A Walk In The Park!

Isn't this the cutest little puppy you've ever seen!

We took a walk around a local city lake yesterday!

It turned out to be such a pretty day! We love the long walks!! The girls are getting used to it too! Although I think they are wearing down their crocs. If there is a warranty on those things- I'm sure it doesn't apply to us- there is a lot of scuffing going on in our world!

They are noticing so many more things now that they have been home for a month. Emma had to stop and check out almost every flower along the way! They pointed out ducks, boats, trees, roller bladers, everything! I love an inquisical mind! It shows a desire to learn!

Their language is coming along slowly but we are making progress. They are now repeating simple phrases- it is adorable when they do and of course Sarah wants to laugh. We told her 18 months ago she was doing the same thing- so no laughing!

Sarah and Emma spent a lot of their time running! Running ahead and then running back to us! Many of the concerns I have had for Emma are subsiding- she is doing so well!

She has an MRI appt this week, so we will be getting more answers. Along with an OT eval. I think learning will come at a slower pace for her BUT we are so encouraged with how well she is doing!

Both of these girls are so amazing! We are so grateful to God for them and for their progress!!

Having a little treat along the way is a highlight of the outing!!

Yes, they are very silly!

I said look at Momma about 5 times, hmmmm!

In every way their adjust is moving in a positive direction. They are getting very used to our home and our routine. The seems to love their new home and family! They just seem happy! All the girls spent a fair amount of time giggling! They scream a lot, too- when they're excited, happy, scared, laughing, hurt, surprised- I think that pretty much includes all the time.

They are adjusting to the food. It was never a problem with Emma but Ellie is liking it now too. She is no longer asking for chicken feet! We are finding that she is not a breakfast person but otherwise enjoys all the foods we eat.

Ellie is catching onto the numbers and colors. She does not whine or pout anymore except if she feels left out. Now we understand and can be sure to get everyone included.
Emma is taking her time with the colors but she can count. She seems to get thing a little bit after Ellie- but she is getting them!!

We are communicating now with simple sentences - they are understanding us! We still do some charades and hand gestures but they are getting it!!

We are so encouraged with their progress!! We honestly think they are a miracle and we are so thankful for our new additions!!