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Saturday 15 August 2015


Today was a big day!! The girls were baptized!! I have had it on the calendar for a long time- thinking they would be home earlier.
I don't have any good pics of me with the girls- I am always behind the camera but today Mark helped me out and took a few pics!!

We scheduled the baptism for after the service. We just weren't quite sure how the girls would do in front of a huge crowd.

They really had no clue what was going on, they seemed a little scared but they did very well! I held Emma's hand and hubby had Ellie.

Deacon Sam did the baptism! He is wonderful- what a dear man!

Welcome to the church dear children! This is where you begin your faith journey! I pray for you to know and love the Lord Jesus!

It has always been my dream since I was a young child to fill a pew- with just my family! Dreams really do come true- thank you Jesus!

This was a small pew... I guess we are going to have work on filling two pews now!!

I wanted to keep taking pics but our older kids vetoed the photo session! We did get quite a few pics so I'm happy because it is rare to get everyone together and looking decent at the same time! I had to seize the moment and I did!! Dad had already warned all of them! He said "just so you know getting a lot of pictures is really important to your Mom!" Thanks honey!!

There is another reason why getting pics meant so much to me. Our oldest son Matt is moving to Colorado in a couple weeks. I am happy for him, he is excited but we will really miss him. I am fighting back tears.

Also, our son Mark is studying abroad in the Caribbean. He is a biology major with an emphasis in marine biology. He will be studying marine life and coral reefs. He will be on an island "doing" school 6 days a week and only getting to shower once a week. He will not be home until Christmas (although he has a short break that we may bring him home for)- I don't know if I can last that long without him.

We are really going to miss our two boys, along with Matt's girlfriend Caitlyn who is already in Denver.

This has been a wonderful summer with everyone home!