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Thursday 13 August 2015

Guess what else we did!

While we were at the MOA we went to the Amer*can G*rl Store! The girls were very ready for their own AM doll! They picked it out from the catalog before we left for the store and they both stuck with their choice!!

The girls birthday were a couple days after we arrived home. We were are so jet lagged and getting used to everything we did not celebrate them. We are actually going to wait until next year to have official birthday celebrations so they can understand what's happening. We had planned to give them an Am. doll for quite awhile so we decide to go ahead with their gifts!

They love dolls and have had to share... until now! Yesterday they got their very own doll! It is good to share but it is also nice to have something that is their very own! A toy that everyone else has to respect as theirs and has to ask permission to play with (and they have the option of saying no)! Sweet Emma still does not get how to smile for the camera. I try to get her with her natural smile BUT sometimes I am just not quick enough!

We shopped and then went to watch Mark. After watching him we went to buy our items! We had some very excited girls!! They have never had their very own doll- this is a first!!

Goodnight sweet girls and Thank You Jesus!!

Oh yes- Emma picked Felicity and Ellie picked Kaya!

I wanted a pic with the girlas and their dolls dressed a like BUT that would have meant we'd be up a half hour longer so we nixed it! Sleep and Mommy/Daddy time is very important in this house!! Ya gotta do what ya gotta do!