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Sunday 16 August 2015

Somebody... Somewhere... Did something very nice!

They nominated our family for Angels in Adoption and our local congressman chose our family! We had no idea this was happening, in fact we were in China getting Emma and Ellie at the time!

We arrived home on Saturday, July 18th and we got a phone call on Monday, July 20th and Tuesday, July 21st and Wednesday July 22nd and Thursday, July 23rd. In case you didn't notice I did not answer the phone the first 3 days, we were so jet lagged and all of us were adjusting to... well, everything! At that point I just didn't have the energy to do a congressional survey or to donate- maybe at later date but not on those days!

Hubby happened to be home on Thursday during the call... The first thing out of his mouth was "I'm sorry, we just aren't interested", the person immediately said "No, no it's not one of those calls!" and they proceeded to tell him about the nomination and being chosen! It was quite funny and humbling!

He then said "I think I should give my wife the phone!"

I was so surprised, on top of being jet lagged it didn't seem real and didn't quite register!

After a month of being home we now can look back and feel so excited and grateful for this award and for the opportunity to share with others our passion for adoption.

We are still figuring everything out but it looks like hubby and I will spend an evening or two in Washington DC! It is actually a 4 day, 4 night event but with new children at home we cannot go for that long. We are trying to prioritize now and decide what to do!

We will have an opportunity to talk to our congressman about adoption- international and domestic. I am a simple person and for us it is such a faith journey. Please dear friends if you have any ideas on what I can share with our congressman PLEASE tell me!!

Seriously- let's brainstorm!! There is so much wisdom, passion, intellect and faith in this group! Please go for it!!

1. What can I say regarding the process for special needs adoption?
2. How can we shorten it up?
3. Don't we often have to redo, then redo , then redo things and pay for them multiple times when we adopt and their hasn't been any changes but we still have to redo! (local clearance/state clearance/Ad*m Walsh)
4. Shouldn't we be able to contact and discuss our case with USCIS- check on it, see where it is in the process? Why does it take so long?
5. We cannot change what happens in other countries BUT we can condense/ simplify / improve what happens here in the US.
6. Shouldn't there be a larger tax break for families that adopt.
7. Many families have used a second mortgage to pay for their adoption now we can't get second mortgages- should their be a type of low interest government loan for families that want to adopt.

Hubby and I are very grateful to receive this award. We feel like it is God asking us when your children are all home what are you going to do next? It is a nudge for us to do more... for the orphans.

We have had a dream that we have sat on for a while- it is not time to share yet but we are hoping within a few years for our dream to become a reality. That is another post!

So thank you someone, somewhere, where ever you are, for your kindness.