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Monday 31 August 2015


Praise the Lord we are DTC'd as of yesterday!!
That means our paperwork(dossier) is on it way to China!

Next it needs to be logged in - which will be our LID(log in date)!

And then we wait for LOA(letter of approval)!
Praying it's speady!

Families usually travel about 3 months after LOA, provided there are not any hitches. Which, with bringing home 3, a hitch is possible. Hopefully not BUT possible.

We are planning to send the girls a photo album and gifts very soon!
Right now they do not know they have a family but in a couple weeks they will all know!
And then they will see the crazy big but very fun family they will be joining!

We will also be asking for updated pics and measurements! I can't wait to get them! We do have a ton of pics of Mia(10 yrs old) but only two of Missy(6 yrs old) and Maddie( 5 yrs old).

I love the little split between Maddie's teeth! That is very hereditary- one of her birth parents has to have that!

The count down begins!
Can't wait to meet them!
Thank you Jesus!