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Thursday 13 August 2015

Too Many Groceries!

Johnny is moving back to college and we needed some groceries and snacks so we made a C*stco run!
Vanna is in the shop getting her sliding door fixed. I think the kids may have put a bit to much muscle into it when shutting the door  
; - <
Thank goodness she was still under warranty!

6 of the children were at their therapies- OT, PT and speech.
Hubby borrowed his car to us so we had enough seats and could run our errands!
my figuring was off!

We had enough seats BUT not enough room for the groceries!

I attempted an SOS call to hubby but he was in a meeting and was unable to help us out!

We had to do some quick problem solving or we were going to be stranded at C*stco!

 Sarah and I got all the little kids (that were with us) into the car and then packed the groceries around them!

Now, don't go judging our snacks!
Remember half of this is going to a college kid!

I am happy to say we- the groceries, the children and the mother made it home safe and sound!

And we had fun!