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Tuesday 18 August 2015

Tattletale Village!

That's where I live!! Oh my, everyone is telling on everyone else here at our house!

It does come in handy when I leave the room for a minute- I always get a play by play from the two english speaking girls and then a whole lotta pointing from the two the speak Chinese. There's not a lot of fessing up just a lot of blaming. Everyone is pretty sure of their innocence!

We even have one givin it to the other one in Chinese. I think we may have to start our own comedy show! Sarah is able to fill me in a little when that happens. I think the younger is used to setting the older one straight now and then- I am mean straight in her eyes- she is used to getting her way! I'm kind big on the whole fairness thing so life is changing for that child - someone cannot gain at another expense.

Today it was over a pair of underwear ;-)
How nice for them to have that be their biggest issue for today! It is not who is going to love them, who will provide for them, where will their food come from- oh no- it's about who picked the red underwear first!

Just wondering if anyone else out their is living near me... in tattletale village?!