In my Sunday posts I am hoping to begin them with scripture.
I was not given the gift of preaching but I was given the gift of sharing.
I know that these blessings could never have happened unless it was through our Dear Lord.
Then he put a little child among them. Taking the child in his arms, he said to them, "Anyone who welcomes a little child like this on by behalf welcomes me, and anyone who welcomes me welcomes not only me but my Father who sent me."
Mark 9:36-37
It is so much fun for this Momma to experience their "firsts" with them!
This is Cheyenne and this was our horse at the party!!
They all got to groom the horse!
And ride him!
There were tons of smiles in the stable and the ring!
There was also lots of giggling! It was funny watching them getting on the horse- they had no idea what to do but caught on quickly!
They also do riding for special needs children, so they understood our new daughters- their fears and excitement. We needed to keep them calm around the horses and no sudden movements. I held tight to them most of the time but managed to get a few fun pics! Someday we may look into riding for the girls but not now, our schedule is full enough for the fall.

Anna enjoyed the horses, too!
In her her own special way!
Each of the kids got to be a helper! Emma loves helping!
Here is a foal at the farm.
Then the kids rode the carousel!
It brought more smiles to their faces!
Then it was train rides around the grounds! They went about 3 times- and loved every minute of it!!
And last but not least a picture with the birthday girl!
Happy Birthday Amy!
Just so you know we are not fun and smiles all the time. Our 2 new American girls dolls are talking a respite! One got a haircut from her new mother and the other got a new hair do from here new mother ... rather lot of back combing- in other words major snarls and knots.
One is pouting because she wants to play inside and mean Mommy is sending everyone outside for some fresh air.
Just this morning they were climbing the closet to retrieve their dolls- Mom said No No- cannot do that. So one pouted and missed the donut and coffee run- she sure showed me ;-)
Our life is resembling a normal life with girls that are 10, 9, 8 and 4!
And we love it!