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Tuesday 18 August 2015

I Have A Friend...

I am feeling very blessed!
I have a friend that is truly a treasure!
We met about 2 years ago at our children's swimming lessons and a friendship formed instantly!
We were bonded by our deep faith and by adoption.

My dear friend had 2 sons from Guatemala. One of her precious treasures passed away on August 5th... Our hearts are still heavy BUT we both know he is with Jesus- and, as happy and free as can be.

My friend is an incredible cook! In fact sometimes she talks about cooking/ baking and I look at her as if she is speaking a different language because as you all know... I do not cook!

Before Michael passed she baked 2 loaves of bread and froze them.

Well friends, we were one of the recipients of one of those loaves!

Please check out the pics so you can all see what we thought of this kind gift!

We put butter and strawberry jam on it and thoroughly enjoyed every morsel!
Sam is lovin it!

Oh yea! Anna is extremely happy!

Sarah and her toothy grin asked for more!

Emma giggled while enjoying her slice!

Artistic Ava added an angle to her pic!

Ellie couldn't wait to smile- she dug right in!

And of course Anna had to lick off some of the jam!

Aha! This is why I have so much trouble combing out her hair!

When we are together we talk and talk. It is a highlight of my week! Our discussion are aways regarding faith and family.

Now we find ourselves with tears in our eyes 
but still seeing the joy and still laughing.

My friends are trying to get back into a routine... a new routine, a new normal...

I admire them so much.
We are blessed to have them as friends.

They are completely trusting the Father.
They are giving their heart to HIM... to heal.

It's hard... for everyone,
but especially for the son that is without his big brother.

Please continue to pray for them.
"Michaels Family"

My hope for you, 
is that you also, have a friend as dear as my friend.

They are such a treasure!