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Thursday 27 August 2015

All the answers are right there in his word!

Have I told you lately how good our God is? That the answer to every question we have is right in his book. That he never leave us even when we feel alone, he is still there waiting for us to let him back in.

Sometimes I just feel so needy to our Lord. I do believe the Lord wants me to want him, he wants me to ask and there are times when I need him more than usual. Sometimes my tank is running on empty and it just needs to be filled with Jesus. I truly feel my joy comes from him and the blessing that are in our live - namely our children, are all from him

The summer has gone incredibly well considering that we have had a revolving door installed in place of our front door (okay JK). We have all worked very well together- everybody helping each other and being supportive no matter what the latest need may be. The laundry room and the kitchen are crying out for help - they have been used and used again but soon life will slow down and we will be a family of 5 living in our home. The big kids will have school and jobs to occupy their time. I will miss each one but at the same time I will be able to enjoy the younger three. Change happens and I have found that it is okay. I always feel some sadness but try to focus on the excitement of what's ahead. 

It will be hard for the girls. Change is not as easy for them but with time they will get used to our smaller family and quieter home. BTW it won't last long because hopefully next spring 2 more little darlings will join this family!

This week in my devotional was a quote from Luke 6:28
Invoke blessings upon and pray for the happiness of those who curse you, implore God's blessing upon those who abuse you.

And Romans 12:14
Bless those who persecute you; bless and do not curse them.

This is my current challenge. I have prayed regarding a neighbor situation- I wanted to handle it the way God wants me too but I wasn't sure how to do that. I asked God about it and the next night I read this in my devotional. God is so incredible- I am amazed how he answered my prayer. Foolish me- I could have gone to his word and there it would have been but I am thankful that my devotional had it waiting and ready for me to read!

Thank you Jesus! While I care for others it is so good to know you care for me!