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Monday, 17 August 2015

College Bound!

Tonight we had a party!
It was for Johnny!

He picked the meal!
We ALL loved it!

He wasn't there?
He was playing soccer and getting ready for the fall season!

We ALL loved the dinner he picked and enjoyed our time together!!

After soccer practice he came home to have "his dinner"!
Because the next day is a big day!
He is moving into the dorm and will officially be a college student!

I had him all ready to go!

Our home has been in disarray lately.
Well, not exactly lately, it has been "wedding central" for May- July and now "college central" July- August!
The clothes on the table go to college... the clothes on the ground will find their way BACK to the closet!

This is only a portion of what is going to the dorm.
It's not showing the futon, refrig, microwave or the clothes!

The kids enjoyed helping!

The helpers... kinda, sorta, notta really!
But they work well in the pic!

Here is the caravan, ready to go!
He is not going too far- which makes this Mama very HAPPY!

Anna understood that Johnny was going to college.
She has been home the longest and is very bonded to the older children.

Praise GOD!

Oh my, how I love this boy!

She was so sad that he was leaving.

But like I said...
He. is. only. 30 minutes. away!

For a Momma is eases the burden.
We are all so excited to watch him play soccer this fall!
We are ready to wear PURPLE!

The moving in went well and he is happy with his new "digs"!
Hubby, Mark and Sarah moved him in because I was busy doing something else...
Which I will share with you soon!