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Thursday 6 August 2015

Car seats and Vanna...

So many rules, regulations and guidelines...
I try to stay within all of them!
We want the children to be safe!
Our Asian children are so much smaller than our bio kids.

Sarah is finally big enough to sit in the front seat. I enjoy her company up top with me!

Emma(12) and Ellie(10) are in the seatbelt/ shoulder straps.

 we have many that are at that "in between" stage.

Ava, Sam, Abby, Anna and Luke are all in carseats- they can get in and out themselves and they can see out the window.
Sometimes I have a big kid watch over a littles to make sure they are buckled in!
It has actually been great fine motor practice for Abby and Luke!

This van does NOT leave until ALL are buckled in!
Yes, I have even pulled off the road while waiting for a slightly stubborn little one to finish buckling!

The pics do not go with the post ;-)

Johnny works at a golf course and we visited him during lunch!!

They knew we were coming so the put on extra hot dogs!!

Not exactly the most nutritions lunch but it was tasty and fun!

Johnny played golf here when he was little! He won the Jr league championship two years in a row before moving onto a bigger course!
When he applied for a job the recognized him... and hired him!

Now... back to carseats and vans!

The newbies??

Not sure about Mia?
We have had conflicting measurement for her? In other words she has shrunk between updates... most likely NOT accurate!

She looks great in the pics we have seen except she is small for her age?
I am having her checked for growth hormone once she is home and tested for age.

I am guessing she will need a 5 pt carseat?

For sure a 5 pt carseat!

We buy the
car seats.
Yes, they have changed names this. many. times...
BUT they are skinny and fit 3 in. a. row.
Which then fits in Vanna
makes her very happy!
makes me very happy!
(Thank you Karen, Sally's friend for telling us about these car seats!)

I have had many other WONDERFUL car seats BUT they don't fit in Vanna...

Speaking of Vanna...

I am so sorry to say...
 She no longer fits our new and improved family ;-(

Most likely we will keep Vanna for awhile and then make a switch, later when we decide what will fit our needs.

Vanna is a 12 seater and well...
 we are a 13 person family with just the newbies...

We LOVE you Vanna!
Don't take it personally!

We are looking into other options? The Nissan? The 15 passenger GMC? The sprinter?
Just dunno?
We won't rush into it but once the kiddos are home Hubby can't ride in the van ;-(

Hold it...
Maybe I should have him drive it and I'll take the other car?!?